LGBTQ+ Equality

Join other UUs, and others that share our values, in taking action.

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Current issues:

Looking for Engagement with Iowa UUs–Volunteer Opportunities

We have spots on the board and on each of our task forces: Environmental Justice, LGBTQiA Justice and Racial Justice. Commitments vary–some as little as an hour or two every three months.

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We are Unitarian Universalists!

We are Unitarian Universalists, people of many backgrounds who have different beliefs, but shared values. Together, we offer a guided path towards a better you and a better world. Get to know us in this short animated video.

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Iowa Pride Events

June is Pride month for many communities. Whether you identify as LGBTQ+ or an ally, show up and celebrate Pride to send a loud and proud message to our fellow Iowans and politicians that we respect the inherent worth and dignity of EVERY person! Read more to find an event near you.

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