Join in writing postcards to Wisconsin Voters

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  1. terry on September 2, 2024 at 7:59 pm

    When Wisconsin’s UU State Action Network (WUUSAN) and their partner, Citizen’s Climate Lobby asked for help to send 2,000 postcards to Wisconsin environmental voters, IUUWAN said yes! In all, 500 postcards will be sent from eight UU congregations, from Okoboji to Clinton. The postcards are in response to research showing that electoral participation increases when voters receive hand-written reminders. Research also shows that environmentalists don’t vote at a high rate. The postcards may impact election results in this purple state.

    In addition to funding the postcard project, IUUWAN is encouraging other non-partisan voter turnout efforts. Some UUs accessed the Vote Forward website to sigh up to send letters to potential voters in swing states. Locally UUs are canvassing for their favorite candidates and signing up to be poll watchers. We believe we all should do what we can to, “UU the Vote!”.

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