News & Events

IUUWAN Board affirms Interfaith Alliance of Iowa’s statement on abortion.

As people of faith and all beliefs, we raise our voices in support of the right of Iowans to make their own decisions regarding their reproductive health care, including the right to safe and legal abortion, without the infringement of government or religion.

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Iowa Pride Events

June is Pride month for many communities. Whether you identify as LGBTQ+ or an ally, show up and celebrate Pride to send a loud and proud message to our fellow Iowans and politicians that we respect the inherent worth and dignity of EVERY person! Read more to find an event near you.

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The Making of a Climate Action Warrior

Miriam Kashia will share her experiences as a climate activist and some adventures and lessons learned along the way. She’ll share her mottos: “Action is the antidote to despair,” and “Everything we do matters” and how they have guided her life as an activist.

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Transforming Policing In the 21st Century

Harvey Harrison of the Des Moines UU congregation helped found an organization called Just Voices which has worked to address racially biased policing in Des Moines.  This video will be available to view on Zoom for those registered for the 2023 GA.  The workshop should be available online sometime after June 1.  A meeting room…

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Read the IUUWAN May Newsletter

Download the PDF Newsletter after you click Read More.

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Support a Farm Bill That Works for Iowans

If you want a farm bill that supports SNAP benefits, protects the environment, communities, and water sources, provides justice for Black farmers, and ensures the health and safety of those who work the land, send this postcard to your U.S. Senators and Representative.

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Water testing was too good for ag polluting companies, so the legislature cut $500,000

Two legislators, Senators Tom Shipley, and Dan Zumbach pressured University of Iowa officials not to allow Jones to continue posting on the University of Iowa-hosted website, with an implied threat of legislative funding to the university being impacted. After allowing Jones one final post, which university officials censored, Jones is moving his commentary off-site. He offered his resignation shortly afterward.

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Earth Day Celebration

Armando, a Guatemalan environmentalist, shares his dream of reforestation when his seedlings planted by UU volunteers grow into a healthy trees and the beginnings of a forest. Check out the video!

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Tissue Issue: Who gives a…

Who wouldn’t want to save the Boreal Forest? It is a Canadian wilderness sacred to indigenous people, where a unique ecosystem thrives and sequesters carbon. All of us can take action! Every day!

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Read the IUUWAN April Newsletter

See what’s happening at several of Iowa’s UU congregations, including live music events, Earth Day and Earth Week events, narratives about growing food, reducing multigenerational poverty through sentencing reform and more.

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Webinar by Jean Eells: Changing Narratives about Growing Food

The soil that grows food is in danger as widespread tillage practices cause a steady, invisible degradation of soil, harming microbes essential for growing plants. Renewal and resilience is possible, necessary, and urgently needed! On Thursday, April 13, learn about steps everyone can take to work the levers of change.

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Six Iowa UU Congregations Have Adopted the 8th Principle

Six of Iowa’s UU congregations have joined with more than 200 nationwide that have adopted an 8th Principle, committing to dismantling racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.

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